Monday, June 13, 2011

Strobilanthes crispus Bl (Keji Beling)

Benefits leaves Strobilanthes crispus Bl
This plant is easy to breed in the soil fertile, somewhat sheltered and in the open
Growing Conditions
a. Climate · Elevation: 1 m - 1,000 m above sea level · Annual rainfall: 2,500 mm - 4000 mm / years · Month wet (above 100 mm / month): 8 months - 9 months · Month dry (below 60 mm / month): 3 months - 4 months · air temperature: 200 C - 250 C ° Humidity:'m · Irradiation: medium
b. Land · Texture: sand to clay · Drainage: Medium - good · groundwater depth: 25 cm from soil surface · rooting depth: 5 cm from soil surface · Acidity (pH): 5.5 - 7 ° Fertility: medium

Planting Guidelines
a. Pegolahan Land · Make the planting hole measuring 25 cm x 25 cm x 25 cm
b. Preparation of Seed · kejibeling plant propagation by cuttings.
c. Planting · Cuttings are planted on land that had been prepared holes with a spacing 1 mx 1 m.

The traditional recipe for treatment:

Kidney stone:
Leaves Keji beling 1 gram; tembuyung leaves 10 grams, water 100 ml, Made by infusion, brewed, crushed, Taken 1 times a day 100 ml; When crushed drink 1 a day 1 / 4 cup

25 grams of fresh leaves washed and boiled with 2 cups water for 15 merit. After chilling filtered and then drink all at once. Do it in the morning or afternoon.

STONE bladder: A handful of leaves nasty shard and 1 young corn cobs are washed, then boiled with 2 liters of water until the remaining 1 liter. After chilling filtered, then drink. Apply morning and evening, each I / 2 cup.

STONE gallbladder: Leaves Strobilanthes crispus Bl of fresh 5 pieces, 7 pieces of fresh violet leaves, washed and then boiled in 3 cups of water until the remaining 2 cups of tea drinking

Diabetes: Fresh Leaves 20-50 grams, boiled with 6 cups of water until the remaining 3 cups, cooled, filtered. Drink 1 cup 3 times per day.

KIDNEY STONES: Leaves Strobilanthes crispus Bl 50 grams, fresh meniran 7 stems, leaves purple 7 pieces. Washed first boiled in 4 cups of water until it becomes 2 cups cool, strain, drink 3 times 2 / 3 cups per day. OR leaves nasty shard 5 pieces, 5 pieces of leaf fresh tempuyung corn cob 6 fruit, washed and boiled with 5 cups water until the remaining 2 ¼ cups. After chilling filtered, divided for 3 times the drink, gone in a day. Do it every day until the pain disappears.

Constipation: Take 1 / 2 handful of fresh leaves Strobilanthes crispus Bl , wash and then boiled with 2 cups of water until remaining 1 glass. After chilling filtered and drunk.

Hemorrhoids: Fresh Leaves 20-50 grams, in boiled with 6 cups of water until the remaining 3 cups, let cool, strain. Drink 1 cup 3 times per day.

Material: Leaves Keji beling 3 pieces of raw and fresh.
How to use: eaten as vegetables every day and do
Taboo: Fish sauce, chili, bean sprouts, Chinese cabbage, kale, pineapple,
durian, Lengkong, jackfruit, ice, alcohol and tape, lemonade and vitzin.

Diabetes Mellitus
Material: Leaves Keji beling 3 pieces of raw and fresh.
How to Use: eaten as vegetables every day and do

Lever (ill Yellow)
Material: Leaves Strobilanthes crispus Bl 3 pieces of raw and fresh.
How to Use: eaten as vegetables every day and do
Taboo: foods that contain fat.

Pile (hemorrhoids)
Material: Leaves Keji beling 3 pieces of raw and fresh.
How to Use: eaten as vegetables every day and do
Taboo: Goat meat and food / cuisine is spicy.

High Cholesterol
Material: Leaves Keji beling 3 pieces of raw and fresh.
How to Use: eaten as vegetables every day and do
Taboo: fatty foods.

Material: Leaves Keji beling 3 pieces of raw and fresh.
How to Use: eaten as vegetables every day and do
Taboo: spicy or acidic foods.

Taxable Can Silkworm and Black Ants
Material: Leaves of crude and fresh Keji beling 1 sheet.
Direction for use: rub on the body that itch to
leaves the issue of water and destroyed. Done 2 times
after a lapse of 2 hours.

Source: # ixzz1PDBNF7Ig

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