When the flu, the easiest action to do is to consume the drugs bought from the pharmacist. Some are successful, some are not, and should consult with a physician.
However, have you ever tried to help you fight against the flu by eating foods that boost immunity? You may have heard about the immunity booster foods such as onions, zinc-rich foods (such as oysters and nuts), and foods rich in linoleic acid (hard cheese). But this food was not proven capable of combating the flu. Results of research by John La Puma, MD, author of Chef MD's Big Book of Culinary Medicine, precisely describes the six types of food that is more effective in curing the disease is seasonal.
1. Quercetin products: apples, onions, broccoli, tomatoes
Quercetin is one of the thousands of types of flavonoids, substances that give color to plants, and provide health benefits. According to La Puma, in a study that applied in mice, exhaustive exercise increases the potential for flu, but quercetin is able to overcome the negative effects. In another study involving cyclists, conducted by Appalachian State University in Boone, NC, quercetin is believed to help prevent the disease thanks to the content of anti-inflammatory.
2. Chicken soup
This is not just a suggestion. Chicken soup actually have the ability to heal, says La Puma. A bowl of soup can reduce nasal mucus or phlegm in the throat, and makes it easy to remove. La Puma also said that chicken soup is more effective than the use of hot water. To get health benefits and other anti-inflammatory, it is advisable to make chicken soup with vegetables instead of buying products packaged soups sold in supermarkets or just cooked with chicken.
3. Green tea
According to WebMD.com site, green tea provides a number of health benefits, from fighting the flu, cancer, and heart disease, as well as lowering cholesterol, burn fat, prevent diabetes and stroke, and dementia. "Green tea has antiviral activity against influenza," said La Puma, referring to the study of Dr. Rath Research Institute in Santa Clara, CA, and Department of Biotechnology, College of Engineering, Yonsei University in Seoul, South Korea. White tea and green tea contains high levels of catechins (a flavonoid save antivirus capabilities) is higher than black tea or oolong tea. Black and oolong tea does contain catechins, and higher than the other polyphenols in green tea. So, in addition to being the second choice in fighting the flu, both types of tea is still good for general health.
4. Foods that contain vitamin D: salmon, tuna, sardines, milk, and cereal
A study conducted in the 1940s showed that rats that received a diet low vitamin D is more susceptible to experimental swine influenza infection than those receiving vitamin D sufficient. This study has not been proven in humans, but La Puma and other experts believe that getting enough vitamin D may provide protection against swine flu. This vitamin is believed to cause the production of antimicrobial substances in the body.
Among the various types of foods that contain vitamin D, according to La Puma salmon is the best source. Grilling salmon may keep the vitamin content. While cooking the best types of fatty fish is by steaming and boiling instead of frying and menumisnya. Storing fish in oil (as in sardines) also allows the content of omega-3 and vitamin D it survive. By itself, discard the oil from canned fish would also eliminate the vitamin D it.
5. Yogurt and kefir with bacteria that are still active
One blog post in Epicurious, Fight Off the Flu with Delicious Yogurt Recipes, discusses a study that says that probiotics-good bacteria found in yogurt and some other foods, may reduce flu symptoms. According to La Puma, probiotics have been shown to reduce fever, cough, and runny nose up to 73, 62, and 59 percent in children aged 3-5 years. La Puma advised, when buying yogurt and kefir, be sure to label the packaging says "Live and Active Cultures" and the consumption of various types of other fermented foods. Foods like kimchi, tempeh, sauerkraut, or miso provide different types of good bacteria, and of course different benefits.
6.Spices, or fruit with vitamin C
Spicy herbs that not only helps clear the sinuses, but also a source of vitamin C, which has been shown to reduce the occurrence of pneumonia followed by the flu. Vitamin contains antivirus and encourage the production of antibodies, it is clear La Puma. If you can not stand spicy, replace with fruits that are enriched with vitamin C, such as guava, oranges, strawberries, cantaloupe, and papaya.
WASPADA ONLINE[(Kompas.com)]Wednesday, 28 October 2009 20:17
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